Brooklyn Principal Suspends Teacher’s Aide…You’ll Never Guess What For!

EUR This N That | Urban Black News Blog
Marie Desforges, Principal (according to NY Post)

*Oh god. Who hired this woman to lead a school?

One of the first requirements for being a school principal is to have a superior sense of judgement isn’t it? After all, a principal is responsible for an entire staff of educators and their students for goodness sake.

Enter one Marie Desforges, the principal at P. S. 328 in Brooklyn. She somehow saw fit to suspend Edsheda Brown, a teacher’s aide, for “professional misconduct” and informed her of the news via a disciplinary..

What did the teacher’s aide do to deserve this, you ask?

Wait for it…

She “yawned” too loud.

In the letter to Brown, Desforges wrote…

?You yawned loud enough for me to hear you while I was walking down the hallway? outside a staff meeting.

It’s times like this that you find yourself thinking, “Please don’t let her be Black.”

Sorry to burst your thought bubble: she is!

And to add insult to injury, the principal, who apparently thought ill of the aide’s shocked response, added “insubordination” to the claim.

In the letter Desforges called herself mocking the teacher’s aide saying…

?You stated to me, ?What? That is how I yawn.”

A shocked Brown asked, ?Are you trying to reprimand me for yawning? It?s a bodily function.?

This isn’t the first time Desforges has shown herself incapable of leading a school properly. According to a report in Yahoo News the faculty at the East New York elementary school have had problems with her ever since she took charge last September in her first days as a city principal.

A teacher got so frustrated she sent an e-mail to Mayor de Blasio complaining about ?total chaos? at the school in his signature Renewal Program, which allocates millions of dollars in extra funds and resources to struggling schools.

In the email the teacher pleaded, ?We have put in years of blood, sweat and tears to pull our students up to where they are at this point. Please help us!?

Another email, sent by an unidentified person, to District 19 Superintendent Thomas McBryde Jr. read:

?The new administration is/has not been prepared to lead a school such as ours. There is a lack of mental agility and fortitude.?

Desforges seems to be a total embarrassment as a principal. Just look at some of the other “disciplinary acts” she has punished staff for since being in the role. It will be interesting to see how this pans out.

As for Brown, the teacher’s aide suspended for 5 days — she has two children and earns $24, 688. annually. She had began work at 8 a.m. and the staff meeting occurred after the children had gone home.

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