Your President, Who Will He Offend Next…This Soldier’s Widow Will Do (Watch)

Myeshia Johnson and daughter welcome the remains of her husband, La David T. Johnson

*Right on the heels of his incredulous lie that claimed former president Barack Obama never called the families of fallen soldiers, your president, Donald Trump, placed such a call and told the wife of a fallen soldier…

“He knew what he was getting into.”

Raise your hand if you believe it would’ve been best to say nothing at all.

Can you see me now?

U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Miami), was traveling in the car with the fallen soldier’s widow, Myeshia Johnson, when the phone call came in. I can only imagine her embarrassment as a government official.

La David T. Johnson

Why oh why do the powers that be continue to allow this illiterate human to remain in office? He’s had his fun. The joke should be over now!

According to CBS Miami, Johnson was en route to the airport to receive the remains of her husband, Sgt. La David T. Johnson, who was one of four soldiers killed in Niger.

“David was a young man from our community who gave his life for our country,” Wilson told CBS Miami. “He’s a hero. I was in the car when President Trump called. He never said the word hero. He said to the wife, ‘Well, I guess he knew what he was getting into.’ How insensitive can you be?”

The White House administration has obviously given up on trying to justify this man’s ignorance. They didn’t even try to. All they have offered is the fact that “the president’s calls to families are private.”

…and what do you think the president did after word got out about his insensitive remark? Own up to it and apologize; calling it a temporary misuse of words…a mindless mistake?

That would be a hell no!

He did what he usually does: take to Twitter and call someone else a liar.

Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad!

Nah man. The only thing sad here is you.
Respect is earned, not given–Michael Jackson

See TIME video of Mrs. Johnson’s heartbreaking moment with her husband at the airport, below.

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