Yikes! Toxic Chemicals Discovered in Some Black Hair Care Products

*According to a recent study, researchers have discovered and revealed something quite unnerving — at least to those of us who use Black hair care products. Some of these products have toxic chemicals that are linked to lymphoma, asthma, reproductive disorders and birth defects along with other health-related issues. In a study conducted by scientists from the Silent Spring Institute, 18 hair products including hot oil treatments, hair lotions, hair relaxers, leave-in conditioners, anti-frizz hair polishes and products for root stimulation was tested for 66 types of endocrine disruptors.

What the scientists discovered is that collectively,  the products contain 45 of the 66 disruptors; and each of the products have approximately 6 to 30 of the chemicals they tested for. 

Naturally Moi writes: 

Other chemicals that were traced in root stimulators, hair relaxers, and hair lotions include diethyl phthalate and nonylphenols. Meanwhile, traces of cyclosiloxanes were also discovered in anti-frizz products. 11 of the products contained at least seven chemicals that were banned in the E.U.

The hair relaxers had the highest amount of five chemicals banned in the E.U. which was alarmingly packaged and sold towards children. 84% of the chemicals the research team detected were apparently not included in the product label.

No specific brand names were revealed.

Read the Naturally Moi article to learn why consumers can’t argue with the manufacturers of these products.  



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