Target Cashier ‘Gets Schooled’ By Little White Girl Who Wants Black Doll

Black doll, white child

*“I’m a pretty girl and she’s a pretty girl too.” What’s the saying…Straight from the mouths of babes? Sometimes their timing on checking us adults is impeccable — and the thing is, you never know when or where that’s going to happen.

As a gift for completing her potty training, Sophia, the little cutie pictured above, was taken to Target to shop for a doll as a gift from her parents, Brandi and Nick. When she finally found the one she liked best, a brown doll dressed like a doctor — just like Sophia dreams to be when she grows up — they went to the counter to pay.

Things got weird when the cashier asked Sophia if she had chosen the “wrong doll.” 


?We both gave her a blank stare,? Brandi wrote in her post (scroll down). ?I let the cashier know that she was a prize for Sophia being potty trained. The woman gave me a puzzled look and turned to Sophia and asked, ?Are you sure this is the doll you want, honey?’?

But enough from me. Take a look at her mother’s proud Facebook post below.

I think their story is adorable.  A little girl giving an adult a life-lesson. 

Let’s file this one under priceless.

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