Oops! Diners Form ‘Conga Line’ and Dance Out of Restaurant Without Paying

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*Hahahahaha. I am so sorry but I can’t stop laughing. The mere thought of this leaves me in stitches. I don’t want to give anyone any ideas but, dang! A group of 100 people had the audacity to sit down at the Hotel Karmen restaurant in Bembibre in northern Spain for a banquet. According to staff, they  ate hearty! They had approximately 30 bottles of wine, entrees and appetizers.

But just as the wait persons were preparing to serve coffee and dessert…

 …the group got up, formed a conga line, and…you got it, danced right out of the restaurant into the night, leaving a bill of 3,000 euros behind.

Darn shame. And to think they came in saying they were “celebrating a baptism.”

According to NPR radio host, Simon Scott, who refers to the hilarious crime as the “great conga line caper,” Spanish police did make an arrest.

Amazing. I was just thinking how impossible it would be…with a 100 people and all, who can remember a single face?

This is no joke but…Simon Says…

The Diario de Leon newspaper says that police have arrested a Romanian man who posed as the godfather of the supposedly baptized child. That man is also now suspected of plotting the same scheme on another restaurant 10 miles away.

See how this shameful, but hilarious story ends at NPR.



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