Global Warming Is Causing More Workplace Injuries

climate change

Global warming is without a doubt one of the biggest problems facing the whole world right now. Climate change also contributes to new diseases and viruses, as well as potentially growing the effect of existing diseases. For example, did you know that one in 10 people who get Legionnaires’ disease die from the infection? This problem of climate change and deteriorating group health even stretches to the workplace, according to several studies and experts.

Heat Is Causing Problems Outdoors

Climate change is heating up the Earth’s core, which means individuals feel the effects outside. Summer temperatures are progressively becoming unbearable in some areas with more individuals needing to spend time indoors underneath an air conditioning system.

You may especially feel the sweltering heat from the sun’s rays if you live in a desert area. Such regions have begun to change the work schedule to accommodate those who are highly susceptible to heatstroke.

Still, even with the changes, there is not enough protection for those whose primary job roles involve outdoor activities. You are still subjected to high waves of heat if you are a farmer. Jobs that require you to run in hot weather can also lead to detrimental consequences. The likelihood of you passing out from exhaustion is high when temperatures rise about 95 degrees.

Hotter Temperatures Are Making It Difficult Indoors As Well

Individuals with indoor jobs are not escaping the effects of climate change. The potential to deal with more customers looking to escape the heat is increased with every extremely hot summer day.

Those who work at libraries and other community resource centers can testify to the fact that heat waves invite more guests. Some patrons are understanding of there being an insufficient number of employees capable of handling the influx of people. Other customers are not as understanding and choose to be demanding.

The probability of you suffering a workplace injury while trying to please overly demanding customers is relatively high. The stress from the situation has a way of impairing your ability to put safety first. Only 4% to 5% of personal injury cases go to trial. This means that your case will likely join the 95% of claims that are settled outside of court in the United States. You may be forced to temporarily cope with fewer of the things you enjoy in life if the settlement amount is not enough to sustain your lifestyle while you are off from work.

Some choose to purchase additional insurance coverage that serves as a financial safety net in the instance of workplace injuries. As of 2018, about 42% of 110,400 employed underwriters work directly with insurance carriers.

There Is A Lack Of Uniformity

Many states take into account the worker and, therefore, mandate employers to create an atmosphere conducive to productivity and safety. There is, however, no federal law requiring that all employers must follow in the United States that centers around the changes brought to the workforce due to climate change. In fact, some politicians are still in the beginning stages of realizing the effects of global warming in the United States and throughout the world.

It is best to protect yourself through clear communication since the law may not adequately guard you against medical episodes caused by difficult working conditions. Do not be afraid to tell your employer or manager if you have fallen ill due to excessive heat. An employer cannot legally threaten your job if you need to go home early due to sickness.

Overworking To Make Up For Lost Productivity

Many employers find that unsafe or uncomfortable working conditions lead to reduced productivity. They may be inclined to place abnormal pressure on employees after a heatwave to make up for the time that inclement weather conditions stole.

Overworking not only leads to even less productivity, but it may also cause individuals to burn out and request additional time off from work. It is best, then, for employers to adjust the workday to accommodate the changes in climate.

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