Brooklyn Truck Driver (Dave Johnson) Wins $298 Million Powerball Jackpot – WATCH

Dave Johnson - ny lottery winner
Dave Johnson - ny lottery winner
Dave Johnson – NY state Powerball winner

*After winning the $298 million dollar New York Powerball lottery drawing, Dave Johnson has decided he’s not going to go to work as a truck driver anymore. Yes, he’s DONE.

However, it’s because of his work ethic that he won’t have to ever work a day in his life ever again. You see, he wasn’t feeling all that well on Dec 26, but made his way to work, anyway.

The now former truck driver made his regular stop at the Arnold Service Station on Linden Boulevard in East New York to fill up his tank before beginning his route. He says he found a $5 bill in his back pocket, so on a whim, he decided to buy a Powerball ticket, according PIX 11-TV.

Johnson, 56, didn’t think much of it … that is until two days later, when a fellow trucker called him.

“He called me and said ‘Dave somebody won the Powerball at the gas station’ and I turned to him and said ‘nah that?s not me man that?s not my luck,’ Johnson said.

Oh yes it was.  Johnson quickly accepted his new found “luck” realized he was the winner of the $298 million Powerball jackpot.

“I was so happy I couldn?t even eat,” Johnson said.

When he learned that he?d won, ?I?m like, ?Oh my God. Jesus Christ, oh my God!?? he said at a press conference at Resorts World Casino in Queens. ?I jumped up and down around the store.?

Johnson took home a lump sum of more than $114 million after taxes. His numbers? 5, 25, 38, 52, 67, with a Powerball number of 24. He chose them by Quick Pick.

He plans to spend the dough on a bigger house in South Brooklyn and a trip to Jamaica.

But so far, he has only used his new fortune to pay off bills.

?To tell you the truth, I didn?t buy nothing yet! For real! I just paid my bills and stuff like that,? he said. ?I didn?t even go shopping yet!?

And when he does go shopping, what will be his  first purchase? A red Porsche.

Johnson has opted to take the cash lump sum payment of $180 million, which after taxes comes out to be about $114 million.

The state record lottery jackpot, set in October 2018, is $343.9 million.

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