3 Signs of Good Things to Come in 2022

With 2022 approaching fast, it’s not news that most of us are eager to put the activities and events of this year and the last one behind us for good. If you’re wondering whether there are any forecasts of good things to come in 2022, here are three of them. Have a look at them and stay motivated long enough to cross over into 2022.

Fewer Workplace Injuries

The first sign that 2022 may be a better year than this one was in the fact that the reported incident rate for injuries suffered by people at the workplace is going down. The numbers fell from 4.51 incidents per every 100 full-time workers in 2011 to just 3.30 in 2019. If this number is still going down, it’s great news for both employers and employees. This is because no one wants to risk being hurt while working, even if they will be compensated because the issues that come with most workplace injuries can have effects that last for a lifetime. The decrease may be due to better safety practices and routines in a majority of workplaces, or the use of better equipment that’s more effective and specialized. People may have also started taking safety training as seriously as they should, and both employers and employees emphasize strict procedures. Whether it’s because of one or a combination of these factors, it’s a reason to look forward to the new year.

Declining Addiction Rates

Addiction rates have been on a steady decline, and this decline is a sign of a better period to come. Since it’s now a well-known fact that the more support a person has, the higher their chances of remaining sober, it’s likely that we will continue seeing fewer cases of relapse. People will find a way to support their loved ones who are battling addictions, especially during the early stages of recovery where there are high relapse rates. As we become better attuned to the needs of people with addictions, we will become more adept at handling their issues and providing them with the support they need, rather than shutting them out and institutionalizing them. With this in mind, 2022 may be an amazing year for families that may have otherwise been torn apart by addictions.

Exercise is Becoming Popular

Regular exercise has for long been known to help with a lot of things. Both mental and physical health can be improved by exercising regularly, so the fact that more and more people are becoming serious about exercising is good news. It has been found that running for just 15 minutes a day can reduce the risk of developing depression by 26%. This is an amazing percentage and one that should motivate more people to get moving in the coming years. If all the fitness apps online are anything to go by, there’s a large market that’s ready for better ways to exercise more effectively, and this means that we may see a steady decline in weight complications and depression in years to come. With the lockdowns due to the pandemic hopefully about to become a thing of the past, we can expect more gym sign-ups from people who want to be proactive about staying in good health.

If you were wondering if there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, the three signs above may just be evidence of that. Keep counting down the days to the end of the year, and keep the hope alive that things may turn around for the better and we will see an improvement in many more areas than the three above.

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